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Saturday, August 26, 2023

NO Is All I Know! Written by Chris Grabenstein and illustrated by Leo Espinosa. Random House, Penguin Random House. 2023. $25.99 ages 3 and up

"Oliver was too tired and too full 
of macaroni and cheese to say NO! 
before Jess said YES!
And so, outside they went ...

Oh, if you know a cantankerous kid, you have probably been in this place. Oliver McSnow likes nothing better than saying "NO!" It's loud, and he's proud that it is the answer he uses whenever he is asked a question. No, he didn't brush his teeth! No, he doesn't want to put away his toys! The more he says it, the louder it gets.

Nothing pleases him, and everyone knows it. He doesn't even want to play with his cousin Jess. Or hear a story. Or have ice cream. What on earth? When Jess shows up to play, their adventures are epic: chasing butterflies, stomping in puddles, swinging, playing marbles, even hugging dogs. It turns out that Jess says YES! to everything. What a contrast he is. 

"Suddenly - thanks to Jess and his super-powerful YES! - 
Oliver's world was full of new things. 
                                        New food. 
                                          New fun. 
                                      New friends.

Will Oliver revert to his old ways tomorrow? I wonder what he'll say. 

Mr. Espinosa has great success letting readers know just how agitated Oliver's parents are as he rejects any and every suggestion made, but for macaroni and cheese. There is such balance between text and art, allowing young readers a close- up look at the characters as they react and respond to the many experiences. 


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