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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It:How 25 Inspiring Individuals Found Their Dream Jobs, written by Colleen Nelson and Kathie MacIsaac and illustrated by Sccot Ritchie. Pajama Press, 2022. $24.95 ages 9 and up


"Even though most writers work alone 
at their computer, Dave's favorite part 
of being an author is when he can be 
with other people. He likes getting out 
to meet kids, teachers, and writers so 
he can share the joy of writing and 
hear their stories too.

Here are 25 professionals who have found great joy and pride in the work they do. They come from varied backgrounds, have very different interests, and work in fields that will surprise some readers. But, their enthusiasm for their work is sure to inspire readers to think seriously about what they might like to do in their future. They will not all be well-known to most readers; that doesn't stand in the way of feeling admiration for the career paths they have chosen. 

Melissa is a marine biologist. David is a writer. Theresa is the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada. Brenda is a farmer. Martha is a smokejumper. Leah is a play-by-play commentator. Christa is a restaurant owner. As their stories are presented, readers might find themselves considering what they like doing to be happy, and how they might turn what they love into future work. Each of the people here love what they do. 

Each spread also includes a personal quote, a short summary of their work, and information boxes, such as 'Why Not Try', 'Pro Tip, 'Inspiring Individuals' and 'Spin-Off Jobs'. A photo of each is included, as well as welcome illustrations by Scot Ritchie that relate to the job they do. It's a great design. 

A foreword includes information about the two authors; what they dreamed of doing, and what their job is today. That is followed by information on education and training. Back matter mentions jobs of the future, how to develop a skill set, a glossary and an index.   

Who knew the many paths children today might take to ensure a happy life? So much has changed, and will continue to do so. Whatever the choice made, the authors encourage readers to make a choice that will fulfill them by following the dreams they have, knowing there may be obstacles and hard work ahead. It will be worth it to be doing something you love. 

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