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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Rodney Was a Tortoise, written by Nan Forler and illustrated by Yong Ling Kang. Tundra, Penguin Random House. 2022. $24.99 ages 4 and up


"At bedtime, Bernadette read stories
of creatures from creeks and forests
and did all the voices, as Rodney
snoozed in the tank beside her.

When she said the tortoise lines, 
she was sure she caught him 

Rodney is a pal. He is always there for Bernadette. He is her pet turtle, well-loved and admired. There is little they don't do together. They play games, hold contests, dress up, eat, and share stories at bedtime. Bernadette does most of the work that needs to be done; she is sure Rodney appreciates her every effort. At night, she keeps him near. 

Time passes; Rodney gets slower and slower. One day, he stops moving at all. Bernadette is comforted by her mother, helps with his burial, and sings him a goodbye song. Days pass. Her thoughts constantly turn to her beloved pet. Kids at school don't seem to care. Bernadette grieves in silence.  Nothing helps her feel better. She pulls into herself at school, creating her own protective shell. Does anyone notice? 

Amar does. Seeing her alone and tucked into her coat, he sits beside her. Quietly, he offers sympathy and memories of Rodney. He has his own story to share. With time and companionship, the two find comfort and joy in one another. 

Heartfelt and thoroughly sincere, this story allows Bernadette to feel all the hurt and sorrow that comes when Rodney dies. Soft watercolor and pencil illustrations work their magic as they take readers through her experiences. The palette is quiet, the emotions real, and the support of a friend evident.                                                                                      

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