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Friday, July 29, 2022

Endlessly Ever After: Pick Your Path to Countless Fairy Tale Endings! Written by Laurel Snyder and illustrated by Dan Santat. Chronicle Books, Raincoast. 2022. $24.99 ages


"Now what, Rosie? Are you going to let 
that wolf scare you away from your adventure?

YES, silly. Wolves are no joke! To go back 
inside and start fresh tomorrow, turn to 
page 2
To take a deep breath and journey on, turn
to page 50

There are so many places the reader can go after picking up this book. It begins when mama shakes Rosie out of bed to take a basket to Grandma who's ailing. First question concerns which coat to wear. The choice made leads to a specific page. The cape leads straight to a toothy wolf, and her release of far too much information about her plan for the day. The fur coat leads a never-before-seen house. What to do? What to do?

Up pops another choice - hurry on, or stop for a short visit. There are many twists in the tale and countless diversions that often take readers down unfamiliar paths. Along the way they will meet wolves, princesses, poor Jack who has lost his goose and his clothes, an irate pig, an impatient hunter, and many other familiar characters. The endings may be slow or quick; they may be happy or not. It all depends on the road taken.  

"And though you turn to run away,
 there isn’t time for that.
You’re finished off in seconds,
and you never hear the SPLAT

Lively rhymes and assorted characters move the book at a frantic pace. Dan Santat's always-entertaining watercolor art is perfect to bring this fairy tale world to bold life. Exaggerated fairy tale denizens garner full attention. Rosie (the main character for the many adventures) is evidently unsure of what to do next in many of the scenarios. After making wrong choices, she comes to an end. Simply turn the page and new choices and adventures are presented.  Kids will pore over it for hours!                                                                                

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