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Thursday, June 23, 2022

Children of the Forest, written and illustrated by Matt Myers. Neal Porter Books, Holiday House. Penguin Random House, 2022. $24.99 ages 3 and up

"The sun is low. 
We must make our camp.

I teach sister the ways of survival. 
High ground is more dry.
Red sky means no rain tonight. 

Tent poles are not to eat."

The siblings in Matt Myers' new book are looking for adventure. They don't have to go far! In fact, they can stay right in their own backyard and have the most wonderful and imaginative experiences. The boy wears a green hoodie that would make Robin Hood jealous, and carries a toy bow and arrow. His sister wears a bright red wool cap and stoops to pick a handful of purple flowers. There are wild 'children of the forest', bent on using all the skills they have learned from their upbringing with wolves, raccoons, and owls. They are well-equipped for survival. 

"I teach Sister 
which native plants 
are not to eat ... 

and how to brew tea
with ancient herbs.

We find a pioneer cabin."

While the cabin owner (their dad) sleeps, they stealthily remove only what they need. Confronted by a mountain lion (aka pet cat), Brother tries to lead his sister away from danger. She is much more interested in the food they have been able to secure. Pulling her away, their concern then becomes hunger. A fierce beast (aka their Saint Bernard) makes its presence clear, they know they are in line for a fancy feast. As the sun goes down, they set up camp - no fire and a long line of noise-making warning signals to keep intruders at bay - they are safe. Or are they? 

With marvelous storytelling in both text and art, Matt Myers uses contrast to great success. The narration is dramatic and attention-getting, while the very detailed pencil and watercolor images spin an entirely different reality. Equally witty and brilliant, this is a book that will be read numerous times. 

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