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Saturday, June 18, 2022

A Park Connects Us, written by Sarah Nelson and illustrated by Ellen Rooney. Owlkids Books, 2022. $19.95 ages 3 and up

"A park touches us
and teaches us, 
inspires and 
      unleashes us. 

It chirps and blooms and splatters and zooms!"

We are finally enjoying consecutive sunny days. People are out walking, biking, relishing and basking in  the warmth of the sun. Parks offer an invitation of welcome for everyone. The park in this city does just that. Winding paths, mature trees, birdsong, playgrounds and benches offer places for everyone - of all abilities and ages to come and visit, play, and relax. 

The double-page spreads are filled with moving vignettes of people greeting others, or meeting for the first time. They watch the wildlife, fly kites, stop for ice cream, play soccer. There is no end to the activities to be experiences as they wander from place to place in this much-appreciated and well-used green space. The characters are diverse and spend time in the park engaging in many different ways. There is much to discuss as the book is read with little ones. They are sure to recognize some of the things they like to do themselves when they visit a park. It's important to know that parks are there for everyone.   

"A park can drum out a rhythm 
and dance

A park can party." 

What are your parks like, and what do you do while you are there? 

Back matter provides a brief history of urban parks in North America and highlights park successes around the world.

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