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Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Perfect Plan, written and illustrated by Leah Gilbert. Bloomsbury, Raincoast. 2021. $24.50 ages 4 and up


"So, together, they heaved and tugged, 
carried and lugged.

Soon all the branches 
were moved. 

But none of them were tall enough to lift the 
branches high into the trees. 

Fortunately, Maya knew just which animal 
was a great climber!

Maya loves the natural world, and longs to live in a tree fort ... a place of her own 'to hide out and read, to dream and play.' She knows exactly what she wants, plans for its construction, and heads off to make her dream a reality. She finds a perfect spot in the forest, and goes to work following her well-made plan. 

It takes little time to realize that, while her plan is a good one, it is a difficult task for one little girl. She first enlists the help of a family of beavers. Their special skills provide the branches needed to begin. Who will help move them? Enter a moose with the skills needed and a willing heart. Who will help get the branches into the trees? Why not a bear family? Eager to help, they get the wood in place. The branches need stability. Have you seen what birds can do when building secure nests? 

Just when her fort is nearly completed, rain pours down and stormy winds whistle. Will her fort withstand such a test? 

Maya is a young, independent girl, gifted with ingenuity, gumption, and zeal. Her willingness to ask for help needed allows her dream to come to fruition. Digital illustrations of the forest setting are infused with light, and wonder. The endpapers are eye-catching; the final spread is glorious.                                                                                    

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