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Monday, July 26, 2021

The Sleepover and Other Stories, written and illustrated by Sergio Ruzzier. Chronicle Books, Raincoast. 2021. $21.99 ages 4 and up


Yes, Chick? 

Are there kangaroos 
around here?

I've never seen a kangaroo
around here, Chick. 

Can you check under the bed?

Chick, I am sure there are no 
kangaroos under the bed!

I do hope you have met Fox and Chick in their previous adventures: The Party (Chronicle, 2018) and The Quiet Boat Ride (Chronicle, 2019). 

This new book follows the same design, telling three short sweet stories that are full of telling dialogue and quiet humor. Poor Fox is always there to make days better for Chick. He calms fears, teaches what Chick needs to know, and is the best kind of friend any small chick could possibly have. Chick is full of questions and concerns about himself, rarely recognizing that Fox has needs, too. 

Using watercolor panel illustrations, Mr. Ruzzier gives real personality to his two friends. Chick is energetic, inquisitive, and dramatic. Fox is ever tolerant, always helpful, and counterbalances Chick's effervescent personality with quiet confidence and a cool presence.  

These books are perfect for children learning to read independently. They offer everything needed to help them find joy in books. Bravo!       

"And it's not even my birthday. 

It is not your birthday?

No, Fox. My birthday 
is not for a long time.

Well, that is a surprise."                                                                         

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