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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Tears, by Sibylle Delacroix. Owlkids, 2021. $19.95 ages 3 and up

"Our tears nurture secret gardens. 
They are precious. 

Small tears leave our cheeks salty. 

Big tears leave our eyes puffy and red."

Even though one might feel embarrassed while crying, this book sets out to let young children know that tears happen for many different reasons - all of them valid and normal. Tears play an important role for everyone. It doesn't matter if you are big or small; it doesn't matter if you are human or not; why, what about weeping willows?  

In this quiet heartfelt book, Ms. Delacroix is plainspoken about the many reasons for tears. It is normal for tears to fall in response to events that impact us. Often, crying allows for the emotional release of pent-up feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, happiness, empathy, even exhaustion. Crying can be exactly what is needed to change us and leave us open to new actions and emotions. 

Too often, young children are told not to cry. They need the spontaneity to feel what they are feeling, and to express it through tears if that is what is appropriate. In fact, we all cry for any number of reasons. We cry quietly; we sob loudly; we laugh so hard we cry; we cry without making a sound. There is no right way, only the need to express our feelings with our tears. Children need to know that tears are one of the many ways we respond honestly. 

When tears overwhelm our children, they want to know that someone is there to hold them tight and let them know that things will be okay.  What a tender message to offer!  This timely book begins with anxious faces, and ends in joy and hope for better times ahead. 

Graphite illustrations begin in moody grays as the children are met, followed, and watched closely. Once their load is lightened, with the help of tears, those grays give way to brighter colors and happier times.

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