"HOW after the rain
Everything smells greener
Do you know what rain smells like?
The smell is partly made of oils
released by the plants.
Some trees have so many leaves
that the ground around the trunk
stays dry even during heavy rain."
Families who love the outdoors are going to be very pleased to share this celebratory book! Children have their eyes, ears and hearts open to what is happening in the world around them. No matter where they are, they take in the sights, smells, and sounds: in their own backyard, in the park, in the garden, in dirt piles, in the front yard, near a stream, in a garden center, at a nearby market. The places are endless. In each of those special places, there is much to notice and to learn.
Each familiar setting begins with the senses. Additional facts are presented in small green text boxes. These facts are matched to the setting, shown in images of children and families enjoying the benefits of the outdoor environments they visit. Being outside has real health benefits for everyone, as many families are discovering while they spend more time together.
On a family walk in the woods:
"You notice that maple leaves
are strong
And cast sharp shadows
But aspen leaves tremble
So that bits of sunlight
Dance in their shade
and you learn:
"Plants are the only living things
on earth that can make their own
food. Their leaves use sunlight,
air, and water to make sugar.
Pine needles are a
special kind of leaf.
Most leaves are flat
because this lets them
absorb lots of sunlight.
The veins in leaves
transport water and food."
The enticing spreads are delicately created using pencil, gouache, collage and chalk pastels. The families are diverse, as are the settings. Young readers will see themselves in many of the warm scenes created to match the informative text.
Now, get out there with your family and make your own observations! What wonders awaits ...
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