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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Frogness, written by Sarah Nelson and illustrated by Eugenie Fernandes. Owlbooks, 2021. $19.95 ages 3 and up


"We wriggle under bushes
and sneak through reeds 
and rushes. 

No frogs. 

We crawl across a fallen tree, 
hang over the sides
and try to see. 

No frogs."

Sammy and Chocolate can barely wait for the day to end. It isn't long until they begin to hear the frog chorus from the nearby marsh. They are ready to put their frog catching skills to work ... again! Out they go. 

They are quiet. They are determined. The frogs are so LOUD; their croaking drowns out every other sound. The two are solely focused on finding some frogs. They search high and low; they poke and peek; they carry on. After much searching, they decide to take a break and let the 'frogness' wash over them. One lands quietly on Sammy's shirt, but Chocolate scares it away with an excited bark. The frog leaps into the pond. 

Suddenly, they are surrounded by leaping, peeping frogs. Much to quick to be caught, the frogs provide grand entertainment and end-of-the-day exhaustion for the frog hunters. Mom calls. They head for home, wrap up in warmth, and fall asleep dreaming of more frogs. 

Sammy tells the story, and fills their tale with sights, sounds and joy. The illustrations add interest and appeal as the detailed move with the adventurers from searching, to finding and finally, to a welcome good night's sleep. 

Love all the frogs, and the final page of further information about the often-noisy amphibians. 


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