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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Together We Grow, written by Susan Vaught and illustrated by Kelly Murphy. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2020. $23.99 ages 3 and up


"Careful glances,     

                  taking chances.

Frightened faces, 

                    strange new places."

There is no one, human or animal, that does not experience need. What happens to assuage that need makes for stories worth sharing. Children love to read stories about animals, and I know that they will love this one! 

Often, needs make for new and remarkable bonds. As all of the farm animals take note of the darkening clouds, they sprint for the barn in hopes of finding safety until the storm passes. Endpapers bring an awareness of the threat and their reaction to it. The title page offers pertinent information; a rain-drenched fox is shown at a distance from the fleeing animals as they head toward the warm light of the barn's windows.

As lightning flashes, the fox is startled by the noise. It approaches the barn. The fox peeks through a lighted window, badly frightening all of the sheltered animals. Each is clearly adamant that the fox should leave. The barn is full! One tiny duckling is brave enough to check outside. There it finds a frantic mother, and her three young kits. As the other animals watch from a safe distance, they take a different stance on accepting the fox family. 

"Learn and show
    together we grow."

There is room! 

Gentle rhyming couplets, absolutely incredible scenes created using acrylic paints, oil paints, and gel, and a story of acceptance and kindness provide a clear message that young readers will want to hear often - and talk about it. Bravo!                                                                                     

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