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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Outside Art, written and illustrated by Madeline Kloepper. tundra, Penguin Random House. 2021.$21.99 ages 6 and up


"It is "The Artist" and it is very 
busy 'Making Art'!" said a 
small voice nearby. "That's 
what I overheard it squawking
    "Oh, hello, Chickadee. Yes, of
course ... Art!" said Pine Marten, 
nodding wisely."

This visual examination of art and an artist is shown to readers from a rarely written perspective. The opinions of the animal inhabitants of the woods that surround the artist's home are shared: pine martin, chickadee, hare, moose, mouse, doe, fawn, coyote, grouse, and finally, the artist's cat who offers its own pretentious take on what art is. 

The animals are keenly interested at watching from a safe place outside the window. Each has observations to make as they watch Human. Pine Martin wonders why Human is doing what she's doing. Chickadee explains that 'it' is making art. Pine Martin is not sure what art is. As the growing assembly talks together, readers will realize that each creature bases what it is thinking on its own experience in the natural world. When Grouse bursts into the conversation, he takes the position that "THERE IS NO MEANING!' 

Only then does the cat inside offer its thoughts, after having observed Human over the course of its lifetime. 

"The Artist is trying to create a dialogue
between its everyday life and the current
political climate through combining both 
representational and abstract imagery while
incorporating soft colors with aggressive 

Surprise! That explanation leaves each of the animals befuddled. With a thoughtful suggestion from Pine Martin, each takes a step back, considers what they do best, and makes art for themselves.  

Artwork created using colored pencil and gouache, then colored digitally provides a cozy, wintry backdrop for the curiosity exhibited by the forest creatures. The inside scenes are filled with warm details, and a close look at how this artist works and the many projects that keep her productive. 

all of us were right about what Art can be … And every one of us is a great Artist.”    

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