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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Into the Forest: Wander through our woodland world, written by Christiane Dorion and illustrated by Jane McGuinness. Bloomsbury, Raincoast. 2020. $32.50


"While some creatures make their home
high up in the trees, others prefer
the damp, dark forest floor. Fallen leaves
and branches shelter an abundance of small 
creatures, from shiny beetles to slimy slugs,
snails, and shy toads.

The table of contents offers welcome help for readers wanting to know what they might find within the pages of this very attractive book. Each of the chosen references cover two pages, and offer a look at the forests found in our natural world: coniferous, deciduous, and tropical rainforest. The first two pages show a map of the six continents where these forests are located. A legend places each in its appropriate area on those continents. Readers are also invited to trek through the forest areas to discover the creatures living in them. 

Each two-page entry provides relevant information concerning the topic presented. The first entry, From seed to tree, concerns a dense forest teeming with life. The life of a tree is described in stages from small seed to fully grown, as well as the ways seeds are spread to sustain growth within the forest itself. The writing is informative, accessible, and clear. The outstanding, full-of-detail illustrations will encourage readers to stop to examine the natural environments. And, so it goes ... from one double-page spread to the next. Beautifully designed and filled with scenes meant to attract and intrigue those who read and share it, this book deserves attention. Perfect for reading in classrooms one spread at a time, or placed in a classroom library for browsing, you will not be sorry to have this book in your collection. 

Interactive invitations for careful observation, suggested follow-ups, a glossary and a list of websites add to its usefulness and enjoyment. Perfect nonfiction fare ... many treasures to be found here.                                                                                           

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