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Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Egg, written and illustrated by Geraldo Valerio. Owlkids, 2020. $19.95 ages 2 and up


"Families come 
in all shapes
and sizes!

The polka dot egg that begins this wondrous story is obviously under the protection of a settled-in-the-nest, and slumbering stork. The stork flies off; the nest is tipped during a rainstorm; the egg falls out. The distressed bird returns and spills tears when it finds its nest empty. 

During its flight away from the nest, it spots a similar egg on the ground below. Is this the egg that was lost? Readers will know that it is not. The stork seems unperturbed, carrying it quickly back to its nest. Protected and safe the egg cracks open, revealing a human baby. No matter, the stork feeds and nurtures this new being. From their nest they notice other birds flying past with wide variety in the young on their backs - a goldfish, a child, a cat, a rabbit, a pig, even another bird's identical descendant. As they join each other in flight, readers are reminded that families come in all shapes and sizes. Bedtime brings more love and cuddling as all adoptive families settle in for a good night's rest. Love is love!

 No words are needed to tell this lovely tale. Bold colors, well-constructed collage work and exceptional posing will encourage discussion. If you are impressed with this fine book, you might want to look for At The Pond, Turn on the Night, Blue Rider, and Friends by the same author. 

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