"Smidgen, pinch, dash,
drop, jigger, gill.
How much to put in?
How much to fill?
Scant, rounded, heaping,
level, sifted, packed
(firmly or lightly).
Must you be exact?
Grams, drams, and ounces,
a soupcon, a cup.
You need to use a glossary
so you don't mess things up."
Gifted poets amaze me! Marilyn Singer is one of my favorites. In this new collection, she proves her mettle once again. Using variety in poetic form she has created 'recipes' for a plethora of scenarios, including a disaster, a bit of magic, nature, reading, patience, and even social situations.
"He's the apple of your eye.
He's a sugarplum.
She is such a peach,
makes you want to hum.
He's the cherry on top
of your favorite ice cream.
You go bananas
when you see her.
She's a honey, she's a dream.
School lunches now are
no longer pallid.
Love makes the most
delicious fruit salad!"
Whether it's haiku poetry to help readers enjoy the seasons, making a connection between writing and cooking or considering memories, Ms. Singer draws her audience in and offers thoughtful musings on a wide variety of questions and important concerns in today's world.
Ms. Priceman wows with artwork created in gouache, printmaking and collage. Her images flow seamelssly around the poetic text creating a true feast for the eyes. An imaginative book that will be enjoyed for its exuberant, colorful art and its wonderful words.
Lemonade, if I
had a butterfly's tongue, I'd
never need a straw."
Readers are sure to enjoy it more than one time!
3 years ago
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