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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

We Are Water Protectors, written by Carole Lindstrom and illustrated by Michaela Goade. Raoring Brook Press, Macmillan. Raincoast. 2020. $24.50 ages 5 and up

"Spoil the water.
Poison plants and animals.
Wreck everything in its path.

When my people first spoke
Of the black snake,
They foretold that it
wouldn't come
for many, many years.

Now the black snake is here."

This stunning and meaningful book speaks eloquently to the perseverance of indigenous people who protect the environment, especially our water.

"Water is the first medicine, Nokomis told me."

It is from water we all come. It nourishes the body, the land, and the spirit. The author explains that there have been warnings about the black snake and how it would change all things. Now, it is here and it will take determination and endurance to insist that water and the land is protected. Nature needs champions who will stand together to fight on its behalf.

You will want to read this book aloud to children, their parents, their teachers. We can all help to ensure that we protect our waters. This is a compelling reminder of that. Its refrain can help to propel us forward.

“We stand
 With our songs
 And our drums.
 We are still here.”

Indigenous people lead the way, calling others to action. Young readers will learn from sharing this stunning book why it is important to protest for protecting the earth and the waters that sustain all people. Watercolor double-page spreads are awash with movement, and images of land and sky in deep, rich blues. Beautiful!

Backmatter offers information concerning tribal nations fighting pipelines and explains some of the teachings of the author's Ojibwe culture. She also explains that it is an issue that concerns every human being. She speaks with sadness, but also with hope. Finally, she includes an Earth Steward and Water Protector Pledge that invites all readers to sign up and become part of the solution. It is a first step, if you haven't taken one yet.

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