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Sunday, April 19, 2020

In A Jar, written and illustrated by Deborah Marcero. G.P. Putnam's Sons, Penguin Random House. 2020. $23.99 ages 4 and up

"One night, the sunset painted
the sky the color of tart cherry
syrup. Llewellyn ventured down
to the shore with as many jars
as he could carry.

A little girl named Evelyn
was there too.

Llewellyn scooped that cherry
light into his jars."

Llewellyn is someone we would like to know better. He is a thoughtful collector of all things important to him: sunsets, buttercups, heart-shaped stones, feathers. tart cherry light. Each jar in his collection holds wondrous memories of things seen and done. Llewellyn is a solitary rabbit until the evening he meets Evelyn.

One jar from his collection is a gift given. Evelyn takes it home. Imagine her surprise when she discovers upon awakening that the jar continues to glow. That first gift jar is the start of a special friendship. Now, the two do all of their saving together. The jars offer joy and contentment.

"They collected things you might not think
would even fit in a jar. But somehow, they did."

Through winter, spring, and summer, they wander together gathering and returning home with their treasures until Llewellyn's house is full to the brim. Touching sadness results when Evelyn announces her family is moving. When he cannot ignore his collecting any longer, Llewellyn wanders out into a starry night to fill his jar ... and then mail it to his friend. It is the beginning of a new kind of relationship. And when autumn leaves begin to fall, Llewellyn meets Max. Luckily, he has an extra jar with him.

Pencil, watercolor, ink, and digital media capture the charm found in the days experienced by the two friends as they find wonder in the world around them - the sights and sounds that are so often missed.  The small moments are beautifully captured on double-page spreads that give value to all they experience together. The patterns and colors are gorgeous, and sure to elicit some oohs and aahs. The prose is amazing; wonderful for reading aloud. Magical and memorable, this book is a treat.

It begs the question: what marvelous thing would you collect?

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