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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Meerkat Christmas, written and illustrated by Emily Gravett. two hoots, Publishers Group Canada, 2019. 9. $23.99 ages 5 and up

"The decorations are amazing at Trevor's, and there are plenty of trees, but it doesn't look anything like the Christmas in his magazine. Where is all the snow?
Hello Everyone, 
The food here is delicious.
Crickets for dinner, but I 
still haven't tasted  ... " 

Sunny and his meerkat family live on the Kalahari Desert. It is getting close to Christmas and the family is busy making sure that all tasks are completed before the big day. There is much excitement among family members. Sunny is the only holdout. Sunny feels little anticipation for the upcoming holiday.

Sunny has been reading the XMAS EXTRA edition of Perfect Magazine. The ideas shared include PERFECT festive foods, PERFECT decorations, and PERFECT gifts, and do not at all match the goings-on in the desert. The first foldout shows readers How to DO Christmas. Sunny's face is gloomy as he reacts to the real scene compared to the one presented to him. Bags packed and full of resolve, he is off to find a better place to celebrate the season.

Through a series of letters sent home, he lets his family know where he is, what he is doing, and how Christmas is being celebrated where he is visiting. Each of his destinations is enjoyable but none match his ideas for the PERFECT place to spend the holidays. As he travels and comes closer and closer to what he has been looking for, he recognizes that the most important thing of all is missing.

Luckily, Santa reads his final note:

"I miss you all VERY much
love from Sunny

Santa does what Santa does best - brings joy to families celebrating Christmas wherever they might be!

Be sure to take careful notice of the endpapers, both front and back. And, of the many wonderful details Ms. Gravett includes on every spread. Warmhearted and charming, this is sure to become a favorite read year after year.

Bask in the beauty of the season and the love of friends and family. 
I will be back in the new year to tell you about more worthy books to read with your kids. 

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