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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How To Hide a Lion at Christmas, written and illustrated by Helen Stephens. Henry Holt and Company, Macmillan. Raincoast, 2019. $ 23.50 ages 3 and up

""Don't worry. He'll probably
just sleep the whole time." said Dad. "And you can bring your toy lion to keep you company," said Mom.
But Iris was still sad. She hated leaving her lion behind. The lion didn't like to see Iris unhappy. So, when the family set off to the train station, he followed ... "

Iris loves her pet lion, and never wants to be away from him. As the family prepares to board the train for the trip to Auntie Sarah's house for Christmas, Iris is very upset when her mother explains that, although the people in their own town like the lion, others will not know just how friendly and kind he is. People on the train are sure to be upset with his presence, as will those who live in Auntie Sarah's small village. It is not possible to have her lion accompany them. She can, however, take her toy lion. Luckily she does; readers will learn why as the story develops.

Seeing Iris so sad triggers the lion to take action. He follows the family to the train station, climbs aboard and hides himself in the luggage rack. A sleep is in order; as luck would have it, the lion sleeps through the family's stop, and remains aboard until the train comes to the end of the line.

How on earth will he find the way back? The railroad tracks prove helpful. An fearful encounter with carolers in a nearby village forces the lion into a nearby tree. From there, he spots what the thinks is Iris' stuffed lion and initiates a plan to be sure it's the right place. The chimney? An encounter with a jolly man in a red suit provides inspiration and yet another problem. On the ground and covered in snow, the lion is just another snowman in the front yard.

Or is he? Iris thinks not. The lion is unmasked, and Christmas dinner is much appreciated after his long and arduous trip.

Warm, comfy humor and a satisfying conclusion will make this a new Christmas favorite.

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