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Monday, December 16, 2019

Between Us and Abuela: A Family Story From the Border. Written by Mitali Perkins and illustrated by Sara Palacios. Farrar Straus Giroux, Macmillan. Raincoast, 2019. $23.50 ages 4 and up

"Abuela drops kisses on our
fingers. She is short, brown,
plump, and jolly. Hugging
her would feel like hugging
a chunk of cookie dough.
Juan's eye is pressed against
a hole. One edge of the
picture is in the dirt. Maybe
Mama was right."

It has been five years since Maria, Juan and Mama have seen Abuela. Today is the day! They are on the bus to the border, ready to visit with their grandmother once again to celebrate Las Posadas. They have gifts in hand, and excitement in their hearts. As they approach the 'high, strong fences' that will separate them from Abuela, they keep their eyes peeled for the first sight of her.

Twenty-five people at a time can approach the meeting place, and they will have 30 minutes to visit. Will that be enough? When it is their turn, a gate opens and they hear Abuela's voice calling to them. Filled with warmth, love and stories to share, they make the most of the time they are able to spend. Too soon, time is up and they must let another group take their place.

Maria tries to pass the scarf that took so long to make to her grandmother. A border guard hands it back - nothing can pass through the fence. What about the picture from Juan? Nope. Such sadness for everyone. Is there a solution? All it takes some ingenuity on the part of a young and determined girl, the supplies in her mother's knitting bag, a strong wind - and the kindness of a border guard - to implement a successful plan.

"We try again.
Watchers on both sides of the border are calling out advice.
The patrol officer's voice booms down: "Don't give up, kid!"

Sara Palacios’ artwork captures place, time and love as the family has a chance to relish a cherished moment with a loved one, too rarely seen.   An author's note explains the nine-day festival and the work people in Mexico and the United States have done to allow families separated by the walls to gather and enjoy a brief period of time together each year.

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