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Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Thank You Letter, written and illustrated by Jane Cabrera. Holiday House, Penguin Random House. 2019. $23.99 ages 5 and up

"The next day Grace got
out her new pens and
pencils to write Thank
You Letters.

Dear Nana and Grandpops, 
Thank you for my puppy. 
Love, Grace X

 Dear Milly and Billy, 
Thank you for my sparkly

As our American neighbors celebrate Thanksgiving today, I thought this book would be a pretty appropriate post. There is much for all of us to be thankful for, despite the affairs of the world. We need to look to our families, friends, communities, and the gifts of love, understanding and gratitude we have in our own lives.

Those thoughts bring me to Grace who is writing thank you letters to all who recently attended her birthday party, or sent gifts. It also begs a question for you: how often do you write letters these days? Have your kids seen you send a note in the mail lately? Is it a lost art, and should it be? I know how much I still love getting mail from family and friends. It takes so little time to make a difference in another's life.

Rant done! Grace did write a list for her birthday; so, we know writing is something she likes to do. It is not a surprise that she turns to writing to show her gratitude for the gifts received. The truly lovely thing about Grace's notes is that they are just right for a small child, and that they encourage her to continue writing. First a note to her cat, then the lady at the thrift store, her teacher, her dog, the sky ... and on she goes. Her gratitude spreads throughout her community and  has a surprising result.

"So, one afternoon when Grace
came home from school, she ran up
to her new tent, and ...

It was full of LOVE notes."

Did Grace stop there? No, she did not. In fact, she even thanks readers for reading this book!

It's a great message. Grace's letters are very child-like, and the collage artwork is filled with warm, bright colors and a very grateful and thoughtful main character. 

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