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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Last Peach, written and illustrated by Gus Gordon. Roaring Brook Press, Macmillan. Raincoast. 2019. $23.50 ages 4 and up

"It's the most beautiful
peach I've seen ALL 
summer. Wouldn't you

I do agree. In fact, it's 
the most beautiful peach
I've seen in ALL the 

Oh, my! These bugs have a problem. The conversation goes back and forth from one to the other as they try to make a decision about eating the finest peach they think they have ever seen. It should be eaten immediately, shouldn't it? One would think so. Just when they make the decision to gobble it up, a praying mantis comes along to tell them they should not eat it, since it is the last of the season.

Why would that stop them? Another bug suggests that it might look fine on the outside, but what about the inside? It does look good ... almost too good to be true. What if they eat one bite, and can't stop? Will they give themselves a stomach ache? It is a scenario worth considering. Might it have magical powers? Should they share it? So many questions, no right answer. As they watch it hang among the leaves in all its delicious loveliness, it fosters an argument that gets loud and aggressive. Their surprise at the anger their inability to decide occasions is enough to make them give up and wish the peach a fond goodbye.

Did they make the right choice? I will leave it up to you to see when the final page is turned. Surprise!

The dialogue is strong, and makes the book perfect for shared reading or readers' theater. Full of expression, indecision, consternation, even anger, it makes for a very funny and entertaining time. It will make you laugh out loud at the two bugs and their antics as they sing the peach's praises and waver over what they should do with it.

Listeners will immediately want to hear it AGAIN! When that need is satisfied, they are sure to go back and pore over the fabulous illustrations. There is so much to discover here! This mixed media artwork is wondrous and will inspire much discussion. Every time I go back to the beginning, I see more than I saw the last time. Kids will feel the same way. And the ending ... perfect!

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