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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Santa Bruce, written and illustrated by Ryan T. Higgins. Disney/Hyperion. Hachette. 2018. $18.99 ages 3 and up

"Bruce also did not like
being cold. Which is why
he started wearing long
underwear and a warm

And then it happened ...

Oh Bruce! I am so happy to see you again. If you haven't met him yet, you are in for a treat. In his previous three adventures (Mother Bruce, Hotel Bruce and Bruce's Big Move), he proved himself a real curmudgeon. He's a big blue bear, who has been plagued by mistaken identity since the day he thought he would make a meal of the geese eggs he found.

His move to a quiet cabin in the woods has done nothing to provide assurance of a long winter's sleep. His family - the four geese who adopted him when they hatched and the three mice who invited themselves to be a part of his family- have no intention of letting him sleep through Christmas. They want a 'cozy, snow-filled' time spent in each other's company.

Bruce is a bear who doesn't like holidays, or fun, or cold; he certainly doesn't like being mistaken for Santa Claus. When a band of woodland creatures make their way to his cabin door, he gives careful instructions.

"Tell them
I'm not Santa.

Everyone, listen up! 
Single file! No pushing! 
Santa Bruce has time
to see all of you! 
Who wants cocoa?"

As he puts up with hearing Christmas wishes from all and sundry, Bruce remains committed to his curmudgeonly ways. And the fun never ends! While animal parents thank him and his family continues to encourage his participation, Bruce remains adamant that he will not do as they are asking. 

I love Bruce. I have yet to see him smile, and that makes me happy.  Ryan Higgins keeps him true to form with lots of laughs and detail in both text and artwork, and ensures that this book will be read repeatedly throughout the holiday season. Enjoy!

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