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Monday, December 3, 2018

All Right Already! A Snowy Story, written by Jory John and illustrated by Benji Davies. Harper, 2018. ages 3 and up

"Goodness gracious, it
snowed! And not just a
little. It snowed a lot."

"I've got to tell Bear! He
won't believe it. But it's
true, so he'll have to
believe it."

"Bear! Open up! It's Duck!
From next door! It snowed,
ol' buddy!"

While parents who have read the other three books in the Goodnight Already! series might be thinking they have had enough of Bear and Duck, two neighbors of entirely different personality
and passion, their kids are going to be thrilled to be meeting up with them once again. I know I was excited to find this next adventure, and will surely put it in the cupboard that houses the books I love reading to Sicily and Chelsea when they come to visit.

If you have seen the others, you will know Duck to be over-the-top excited about almost anything that happens. Always willing to share that excitement with Bear, he has no filter for the enthusiasm he brings to encounters between the two. Bear is an introvert, happy in his own company and longing for the peace and quiet a warm bath affords on a cold and snowy winter morning.

Duck will have none of Bear being inside when there is so much to do outside.Duck is full of ideas! Bear is not enthralled with any of them. Duck is persuasive and not to be discouraged despite Bear's reticence.

"Come on, Bear. Let's make snow
angels together. Then you can go
back to sitting around."


All right already, Duck." 

"Okay! Lean back in the snow and
move your arms and legs back and
forth. Just flap around and ...


"Like this?" 

Drenched and feeling the first signs of a cold, Bear just wants to go inside ... alone. Not going to happen, if you know Duck. He's concerned about his friend and prepared to nurse him back to health. How's a bear to get healthy with constant commotion and care? Disgruntled, Bear sends Duck packing.

What happens next prompts a realization that new neighbors might be in order!

Familiar to fans, this is a book that will be read again and again.

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