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Friday, November 9, 2018

Tiger vs Nightmare, by Emily Tetri. First Second, Macmillan, Raincoast. 2018. $23.50 ages 7 and up

"Sure, but make sure 
your "monster" doesn't 
leave a mess, or you'll 
be cleaning up monster
messes in the morning. 

Thanks! My monster
never leaves messes.

Oh, they're so cute at 
that age!"

Now, here's a story of bravery that kids will appreciate and want to emulate. Tiger often lets her parents know about the monster that lives under her bed. In fact, she asks for food every day after supper to feed that monster. It has been there since Tiger was a baby; at that time, Monster decided it would not be fair to scare someone so small and new. Instead, Monster chose to chase away any  nightmares that might appear.

The two spend every evening in exactly the same manner. Tiger brings favorite foods, Monster eats, they play games together, Tiger goes to sleep, and Monster keeps watch through the night. All nightmares get their comeuppance from a brave and brash Monster. It works well, until Monster meets his match. A toothy, terrifying apparition with no fear, and Monster is unable to send it away. Instead, he sadly cowers under the bed. The next day Tiger remembers the nightmare, and must wait until bedtime to ask Monster what happened.

"I had a nightmare last night.
And you keep those away.
Where were you?

I, umm ...
don't know. 
I guess one slipped 
through somehow. 

Don't worry; it
won't happen again."

But it does - and Tiger takes charge. Monster is impressed, and Tiger is elated. Bravo!

This is a terrific graphic tale. Ms. Tetri uses deep blues and grays for the nighttime scenes, then switches to warm oranges and yellows for daytime action. The details are sure to capture attention. It is beautifully rendered to make this story a sure winner for children who love their books full of action and admiration. Brimming with heart and the joys of friendship, all readers will find much to admire here.                                                                     

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