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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thank You, Omu! Written and illustrated by Oge Mora. Little Brown and Company, Hachette. 2018. $24.99 ages 4 and up

"Omu thought for a moment.
She was saving her stew
for dinner, but she had made
quite a bit. It would not hurt
to share. "Would you like some?"

The little boy nodded.

And so Omu spooned out some
thick red stew from the big fat
pot for her her nice evening meal."

I love stories of community! Goodness knows, we need them now. Everyone in the neighborhood loves Omu, and she loves them back. The smell of her 'thick red stew in a big fat pot' is all the incentive they need today to stop by for a visit. Do you think they are all hoping for the same thing?

 Omu is happily reading while her stew simmers. The scent of it cannot be contained within her apartment walls. Her first visitor is a little boy. - and he's intrigued by the delicious smell. She shares some stew.  It turns out that he is not the only one who wants a taste.. A police officer is next; then,  the hot dog vendor, and more and more people from the neighborhood. Omu shares with each visitor until there is nothing left for her own evening meal.  No matter! She has grand and giving community friends who appreciate her kind and generous nature, and have learned another lovely lesson in generosity.

Though her pot was empty, her heart 'was full of happiness and love'. Isn't that the way it should be?

This is a splendid debut for Oge Mora. The text has rhythm and a structure that will encourage shared reading, and a return to the book for another go. The collage illustrations were created using 'acrylic paint, china markers, pastels, patterned paper, and old-book clippings.' They are filled with expression and diversity in detailed spreads sure to please young readers and encourage discussion concerning Omu's kind and giving heart.

We all want to see more kindness in this world. Books like Thank You, Omu will  make a difference!

FYI: Omu is pronounced Ah-moo, the Igbo word for queen.

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