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Friday, January 19, 2018

Long Way Down, by Jason Reynolds. Atheneum, Simon & Schuster. 2017. $23.99 ages 14 and up

"I Had Half A Second


get a grip,
grab the grip,
tuck the gun,
turn around,
ignore Buck,
catch my breath,
stand up straight ... "

In Will's neighborhood, there is a code: no crying, no snitching and get revenge. So, when his brother Shawn is killed, his path is set for him. Will has never even held a gun. He knows where Shawn keeps his, and he walks out of his apartment, gun in his waistband, on his way to seek revenge on the person he thinks is responsible.

The elevator is his means to get down to the street. As the elevator stops on each floor, Will comes face to face with significant people from his life, each a victim of the violence that has taken his brother, and that he is about to commit. The ghosts speaks to Will as the elevator moves from floor to floor.

Jason Reynolds uses free verse poems to tell his story; poems that are filled with scenes of violence, powerfully shown through the conversations shared. The trip lasts only one minute, but the emotion, story, and environment are full of impact and thought provoking for Will and for the readers of this remarkable book. The six stops, the friends met, and the stunning effect on Will himself offer a chance for deep discussion and careful thought for those sharing it.

I read the book in thirty minutes: its characters, scenes and importance will be in my heart and mind for much, much longer.

Please take the time to share the following interviews. They need to be heard. Then, introduce your kids and students to his website where they can learn more about this amazing young writer."

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of verse novels, so I will definitely look for this one!
