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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

In the Middle of Fall, written by Kevin Henkes and illustrated by Laura Dronzek. Greenwillow Books, Harper. 2017. $21.99 ages 3 and up j

" ... and the gardens are brown
and the pumpkins are ready
and the apples are like ornaments,
it takes just one big gust
of wind
and all at once -
is yellow
and red
and orange ... "

This equally beautiful companion to When Spring Comes (Greenwillow, 2016) applauds the beauty to be found in fall. It is evident when we look outside at the changing colors, feel the cool of the autumn air, and recognize September will soon be history that we have moved past another summer and are looking toward winter's cold. Thankfully, autumn helps to bridge that gap.

Kevin Henkes and his wife Laura Dronzek know this season's beauty. In simple, telling words and luxurious acrylic art, they share with their readers a glorious look at this very special (and often, too short) season. Vivid in its abundance, it is the time of year for taking stock, opening our eyes and ears to its color and the eager preparation for what's to come. Mice munch, squirrels scamper, families reap the benefits of gardens and orchards in preparation for the winds that will soon whisk all signs of summer from our sight. Leaves swirl and settle. Children leap into leafy piles. We all appreciate its soon-gone beauty as we prepare for nature's next season. 

" ... and then soon
very soon
the sky will be white and empty - "

Simply lovely on every page shared, it is the perfect introduction to yet another season from this talented pair. I hope you still have many days to spend outside, basking in its splendor and the fading light and warmth.

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