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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Imagine, written by John Lennon and illustrated by Jean Jullien, with a foreward from Yoko Ono Lennon. Clarion Books, Raincoast. 2017. $24.99 all ages

"Imagine all the people
living life in peace.

You may say I'm
a dreamer,
but I'm not the
only one.

I hope some day
you'll join us ... "

Today is the United Nations International Day of Peace, and I want to share this beautiful new book with you. It is perfectly appropriate for these trying times.

It is the first published picture book set to John Lennon's original lyrics, and has been created in collaboration with Amnesty International. Let's hope it helps each one of us to imagine a better world, a world at peace.

Jean Jullien has chosen a pigeon as his main character; a bird bent on spreading the message of peace and friendship to the birds of the world ... no matter their color, their shape or their size. She offers an olive branch, a gentle hug and encouragement to live a life without conflict. With every positive message passed on, the feelings grow. In the end, when the pigeon is exhausted by its efforts, the birds previously met join her on a branch to show they are now all willing to 'give peace a chance.' It is a gentle reminder  to readers to pay it forward.

By sharing such a thoughtful and beautiful book we encourage empathy in the kids whose lives we share, and offer a message to them that they can make a difference when they care about others. Speak up! Be strong! Let your voice be heard, just as John Lennon let his voice ring out for tolerance, unity and understanding.

It is a lovely book, and I'm sure it would find favor with its famous songwriter. He was a dedicated campaigner for a better, more peaceful world for all. Yoko Ono Lennon adds a foreword, Amnesty International an afterword that speaks to readers of the importance of human rights, now and forever. It provides information about becoming an AI member. With every copy sold, money will be donated to help raise needed funds for the charity.

If you are interested in others who want to spread a peace message, or want to add one of your own, you can go to for more encouragement.

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