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Friday, July 7, 2017

One Day, The End. Written by Rebecca Kai Dotlich and illustrated by Fred Koehler. Boyds Mills Press, Highlights. 2015. $21.00 ages 3 and up

"One day ...
The End.

One day ...
I hid from
my brother.
He found me.
The End."

I don't know how I missed telling you about this terrific little book of short stories ... and I mean, really short! They are delightful, and full of fun.

The official title is ONE DAY, THE END: Short, Very Short, Shorter-than-Ever Stories. Let us begin with a note from the author:

"For every STORY
there is a
and an
but what
makes ALL the DIFFERENCE."

And, that's the truth. The proof is in the pudding ... well, in the pages shared here. Of course, I could share every one. There are, after all, only nine of them and they are VERY short. But, you don't want to miss them. So, hike to your nearest bookstore or to the public library. If they don't have it, they might just order it for you. Let's hope so!

The storyteller is full of energy, and wit. Each entry begins with 'one day' and finishes with 'the end'. In between, she shares wonderful little tidbits from her daily life. These events are going to be very familiar to the kids who read them. The words may be minimal; the ideas certainly are not. Fred Koehler is equally skilled at presenting artwork that chronicles just exactly what happens between the first two and last two words. Filled with detail and wonderful characters, he also allows readers to see what ties the tales together in the best possible way. Kids will see what many of the adults who share this book do not! You won't be able to read this one time, there is far too much to see at first glance.

If you have a child in your life whose dream is to write, hand this book over and let them see how they might get started. 

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