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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sun and Moon, written and illustrated by Lindsey Yankey. Simply Read Books, 2015. $18.95 ages 5 and up

"Moon hurried to his place
in the night sky. As he rose
on the horizon he peered
through the darkness,
expecting to see nothing
more than a sleeping world.

Instead, he saw the vibrant
life of a nighttime carnival ... "

I think we can all agree that we have been where Moon is ... wishing for something more than we have. Isn't it true that we often think things are much better for someone else, or somewhere else?
There are many stories told of wishing for what we don't think we have or what we absolutely need.

Such is the case for Moon. Moon aches to spend just one day as the Sun. Sun, being wise and patient, offers the trade that Moon seeks. The two conditions set out if they are to switch seem both harsh and full of purpose. If they change places for a day, there will be a reversal of roles. Moon will forever be the Sun. Prior to making that final decision, Moon must spend an entire night carefully considering all there is to be seen in the darkness. Moon agrees, knowing that nothing is likely to happen in the gloomy shadows of the night.

If you think seriously about the many wonders you have experienced in the night, you will know that Moon is about to observe some pretty amazing scenes. What if there were no city lights, fireworks, starlight, night flowers blooming?

"Across a quiet field he saw fireflies softly glowing as they drifted closer to him and the stars. He hadn't paid much attention to the stars before, but now they were all around him, so near he could even hear them smile."

The wonders of both night and day are presented to young readers in this book that reads like a fable and has many of the elements of a folktale. Lindsey Yankey fills its pages with glorious double-page spreads that honor what is so special about each element of a full day. Filling her nighttime images with starlight and moonglow, she celebrates the true beauty to be found in Moon's world. You will want to take time to savor the color, the details and the joy she portrays.

Share it in the daytime, or at bedtime, with someone you love.

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