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Friday, July 15, 2016

Colin and Lee Carrot and Pea, by Morag Hood. Two Hoots, Pan Macmillan. Publishers Group Canada. 2016. $24.99 ages 2 and up

"Colin isn't a pea.

He is too tall
to be a pea,

and very orange.

He can't roll
like a pea,
or bounce like a pea."

Let us all agree how little it matters if we fit the mold, or not! What mold, you ask? It appears that to many there is one, and if we don't fit what it is to be part of the mainstream, we just don't fit, right? Wrong! And our kids need to know that now, as much as ever ...
and it's never too young to start.

So start with Colin and Lee. There is nothing about each that is the same as the other ... wrong again! They are the very best of friends. It matters not to Lee that almost every one of his other friends is a pea. Colin is not; it does not change how he feels about him one bit. Of course, there are differences. After all, Colin is a carrot. He can't do all the things that Lee can do. He can do many things that Lee cannot. Isn't that the best kind of friendship to have? Each brings their best self to the relationship and to the things they can do together.

Evident is its simplicity; this book has a lovely, quiet message to share. The only colors are green and orange. The white background space keep our attention clearly on the characters. Reading it makes it so easy for little ones to comprehend that friendship is what matters, and we all play a part in the activities we share. Let's teach kids and others to celebrate our differences!

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