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Thursday, March 10, 2016

When Spring Comes, written by Kevin Henkes and illustrated by Laura Dronzek. Greenwillow, Harper. 2016. $21.99 ages 3 and up

"Spring comes with sun
and it comes with rain.
And more rain
and more rain.

Do you like  mud?

Do you like puddles?

I hope you like umbrellas."

I like that I am getting to share all those books that I read last month while visiting schools. I am only telling you about those that the kids loved, no matter which school I visited.

As winter winds down and we look toward the warmth of spring, I always had Kevin Henkes' new book in my bag. I have been a great admirer of every one of his books. He has his finger on the pulse of young children ... their delight in the natural world and wanting to know more about it. It is his second book about waiting in recent months, and he shows little ones how that waiting is worth it!

He lets them know that the snow will melt, the rains will spark growth and green everywhere we look. While they are listening, hid readers are also learning about the signs that signal the arrival of spring in such a warm and wonderful way. As well, they become cognizant of what we all know ... it is a not a linear progression from snow to no snow. Spring often changes its mind, and throws us a few curves. One day it's dry and sunny, the next the ground is covered with snow and the melting must begin all over again. But, eventually spring bursts forth. Then, our waiting begins once more! Oh, so familiar for those of us who are lucky enough to experience the changing seasons every year.

Laura Dronzek uses acrylics, in a varied palette, to welcome the new season with light and hope. She uses thick lines and simple shapes that warrant our full attention. Each turn of the page is a new opportunity to explore the wonder of nature. Don't miss the endpapers both front and back! They tease us with what we are so badly wishing for as winter winds down ... spring, then summer!

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