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Monday, July 20, 2015

Dory and the Real True Friend, by Abby Hanlon. Dial Books for Young Readers, Penguin. 2015. $16.99 ages 6 and up

""I went to the zoo and
tripped and got this boo-boo."

"My dog threw up this

"I found this little sparkly
gem at the park, and then
I lost it, and then I found
it, and then I lost it again."

Dory (nicknamed Rascal by her family, and that nickname fits!) is BACK!!!! Huzzah! She has as much spunk as before, and her imaginary friends are intact. Mary continues to sleep under Dory's bed. Mr. Nuggy, her fairy godmother, lives in the woods nearby.
Dory's preparation for her first day of school includes advice from Mary who caused numerous problems previously.

"Please bring to school tomorrow: Your dad's dirty laundry, extra salami, and lemon juice."

Dory is apprehensive; Mary assures her that the list is correct. The supplies go in Dory's backpack. Her siblings also have a long list of 'don'ts' and 'can'ts' for her first day! They include: no wearing nightgowns to school, no talking to yourself, no furniture moving in the classroom, no imagination ... and no Mrs. Gobble Gracker! Good grief! What is allowed?

They have an explanation:


It's going to be a long year isn't it, Dory? With luck on her side, Dory quickly meets a girl who looks like she might be the perfect friend - big poufy dress, missing teeth, and a name that sings: Rosabelle. With advice from Mary, Dory goes back to being her sunny, imaginative self and captures Rosabelle's interest.  A new best friend - who could ask for more in the first week at school?

Dory's voice is authentic and rare. The innocence of this young narrator is reflected in the black and white drawings, speech bubbles, and humorous events that are sure to capture hearts and have young fans begging for more. Unrestrained in her telling, Dory's readers are rarely sure of what is coming next, which makes the book that much more appealing.

"That afternoon during math time, I whisper
to Rosabelle, "There's one more thing I have
to tell you. I have a fairy godmother named
Mr. Nuggy, and he accidentally turned into a
"Oh! That same thing happened to my fairy
godmother once!" whispers Rosabelle."

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