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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Is there a dog in this book? Written and illustrated by Viviane Schwarz. Candlewick Press, Random House. 2014. $$19.00 ages 3 and up

"OH, NO!

What is a dog?

Dogs are snappy and
yappy, smelly and
noisy, hairy and scary...

and dogs HATE cats!"

If you spend any time at all with small children you will know just how much they love books that encourage them to take part in the conversation. Viviane Schwartz uses that knowledge to craft yet another book about Tiny, Moonpie, and Andre, three cats who get their audiences totally involved in the tales they tell!

This time they are sure that they can smell a dog in close proximity. It seems that things are disappearing and they surely don't want to blame the reader. Another SNIFF! and Andre is sure he can smell that dog. There is great cause for concern, if that is so. They hide in as many places as they deem safe. Tiny seems less concerned than the others:

"The dog is
like me!
Can I touch
it? I want to
pet the dog!


They beg their audience to help. They must hide! As they hide in a variety of spots, we can see that the dog seems totally unconcerned with finding them. He is much more interested in exploration. While the closet hides them, the dog creates mayhem. Finally, his nose puts him onto them, and he leaps and yaps with excitement. Perhaps, Tiny is right!

With order restored and the cats happy with their new friend, we are invited to join the party...only to scare that puppy straight off the page. Will we be able to find him again?

The flaps that invite inspection will be worn out before your reader ever loses interest in this funny, and entertaining story of friendship! Keep the scotch tape close. I'm just saying....

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