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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

While You Were Sleeping, written by Steve Murrie & Matthew Murrie and illustrated by Tom Bloom. Scholastic, 2012. $10.99 ages 9 and up

"If you slept 10 hours and 14 seconds each night, that would equal ONE DAY on SATURN. You could go to sleep just as the sun was going down on Saturn and by the time you woke up, the sun would be going down again! There's another problem. If you actually tried to spend a day on Saturn - you wouldn't be able to stand. Saturn is a gas giant. That means it doesn't have a solid surface to hold you or your bed."
You know those kids who love to gather trivia about any number of subjects?Here's another book for them! It's filled with a plethora of enlightening and entertaining facts about the body, space, animals, sports, popular culture, the earth we live on, and technology. It's easy to breeze from one section to the next, starting with where your interests lie and moving on as you grasp the tone of the book, the fun in the illustrations and a whole new list of 'facts' that you can regale others with the next time you get together.

"Every night when you fall asleep, the experiences you have while you were awake are sorted; some are deleted while others are kept and REPLAYED OVER AND OVER so that you won't forget them when you wake up. This may sound like science fiction, but it's all a part of your brain's process of converting short-term memories into long-term memories."

This is a follow-up book to the Murries' first, Every Minute on Earth. It's another great collection of facts that will hold attention and give readers a real sense of all that is happening while they are getting their ZZZZs. So much goes on, and we have little awareness of it all. This book helps us process that information for future reference.

Readers in the intermediate grades enjoy fact-filled books that allow them to wander through pages, and share what they are learning with their friends. This is a perfect addition to that much-perused basket of like books.

And here's one that made me want to crawl back into bed, and get some extra hours of shut-eye. Made me tired just imagining it happening:

"You've heard of ROCKING YOURSELF TO SLEEP, but rocking yourself awake? That's exactly what Suresh Joachim did for 75 hours and 3 minutes from August 24 to 27 in 2005, when he set the world record for most time rocking in a rocking chair."

I would have been asleep in a New York minute!

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