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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lulu and the Brontosaurus, written by Judith Viorst and illustrated by Lane Smith. Atheneum, Simon & Schuster, 2010. $7.99 ages 5 and up

"Lulu, remember, hated hearing no. She really, really hated hearing no. So she screeched till all the birds fled from the trees, and then she threw herself down on the forest floor, and then she kicked her heels and waved her arms. The brontosaurus waited patiently, without saying one more word, until she had stopped with the screeching and kicking and waving."

It isn't long since I told you about the second Lulu book, Lulu Walks the Dogs. I loved it so much that the first one went right on my Amazon list, and it arrived late last week. So, here I am this morning to tell you about Lulu and her demands for a pet that not many would consider.

You might remember that Lulu is an outspoken, spoiled, and very feisty young woman. When she wants something, she gets it! This is another early chapter book that your kids are going to love. The narrator (or author) is back with her cryptic observations of life and of Lulu in particular. From the beginning she tells us that  dinosaurs and people did not inhabit earth at the same time. But, it's her book and she is going to tell the story:

"(Is that where a brontosaurus would live? I'm afraid that I'm not absolutely sure. But since I'm the person writing this story, I'm putting this brontosaurus in a forest, along with a lot of other wild beasts that I'm absolutely sure did not live on Earth when dinosaurs were there.)

Lulu is definitely, as described...a real burr in the side. And she wants a brontosaurus for her birthday. Her parents, in not their usual way of dealing with their daughter, refuse her request and leave it at that. Can she be convinced that there are other more appropriate gifts for a young girl...I don't think so!

Off she goes on a hunt to find her heart's desire. There is a surprise in store for her...the brontosaurus she covets has much in common with Lulu, and that is not an easy a lesson for this stubborn young miss to digest. Nothing keeps her from what she seeks. The brontosaurus is the answer to her prayers. Or, is he? Seems he is as determined to have a pet as Lulu is. He insists on good manners, and that is a lesson she has not yet learned. What happens when two immovable objects meet? A test of perseverance and patience ensues. In the end,  the author offers her captivated audience a choice from three scenarios.

Which do you prefer?

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