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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Z is for Moose, written by Kelly Bingham and illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky. Greenwilliow, Harper. 2012. $18.99 ages 4 and up

"A is for Apple.
B is for Ball.
C is for Cat.
D is for Moose.

Poor Zebra...all he's trying to do is make a production of the alphabet. The stage is set, the actors prepared, and the action begins. Then, Moose lumbers on stage, in exactly the wrong spot.

As the action moves forward from one letter to the next, Moose makes a nuisance of himself while waiting for his turn to be the star. H is not his place; but L is getting closer. He's ready! When M is for Mouse, he has a flip-out!

Wait! No!
That was supposed to be me!
With an M!"

Zebra remains calm and assertive that the correct decision has been made to go with 'mouse'.

Can you spell angry? Upset? Discombobulated?

Young readers and listeners will be absolutely delighted with the antics that Moose displays as Zebra does his best to bring the production back to some semblance of order. Finally, feeling sorry that Moose is so visibly and audibly upset, Zebra offers a solution!

Just when you thought you had seen every imaginable take on presenting the alphabet in a new and innovative way, along comes Kelly Bingham (in her first picture book) to set you on your ear and make you laugh out loud. Sure to cause the same reaction wherever you share it!

Paul Zelinsky adds his droll touches to every page...starting even before the title page with Zebra checking all the actors in for their upcoming roles. Does his referee's outfit hint at things to come?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you like the book! Thank you for the wonderful review!

    Kelly Bingham
