“When my brother Fish turned thirteen, we moved to the deepest part of inland because of the hurricane and, of course, the fact that he had caused it. I had liked living down south on the edge of land, next to the pushing-pulling waves. I had liked it with a mighty kind of liking, so moving had been hard – hard like pavement the first time I fell off my pink two-wheeler and my palms burned like fire from all of the hurt just under the skin. But it was plain that Fish live nowhere near or nearby or next to or close to or on or around any largish bodies of water. Water had a way of triggering my brother and making ordinary everyday weather take a frightening turn for the worse.”
Turning thirteen in Mibs Beaumont’s family requires guts and determination; for on that thirteenth birthday, they get their savvy. Figuring out what it might be can be a daunting task. The day before the big event Mibs’ father is involved in a pile-up on the highway and now lies in critical condition in Salina Hope Hospital. Her brother Rocket and their mother have gone to be with Poppa. While trying to settle on her savvy, Mibs becomes convinced that she is the only one who can ensure her father’s recovery. When she talks her siblings into stowing away on a delivery bus headed to Salina, their adventure begins. They meet up with a curious group of people and learn much about each as they travel together. There is love, laughter and an acceptance of each person for who they are, what they have to share and how they deal with their journey. Mibs' family and the 'savvies' that each have are pure entertainment. Wait until you finally discover Mibs' special ability...imaginative and original!
Written with charm and ‘savvy’ this book will hold enormous appeal to those readers who like a little magic mixed with stories of love and family. The characters are quirky and resonate with admiration for each other. Ingrid Law leaves us hoping that this won’t be the last we hear of them.
When you have finished your reading and you understand that having a savvy means having 'something that’s deep inside of us all. It’s something we do – our magic', you will want to go back and read this wonderful book again. Or, keep it on your bookshelf for another time...it is sure to be a classic!
I think that I have discovered Ingrid Law's 'SAVVY'!
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