"Zero is...
the shape of an egg.
Zero is a number."
The concept zero is not always easy to understand for young children, and it is often overlooked. Betsy Franco does a wonderful job of introducing zero in a series of illustrated scenes where it is obvious that nothing is there that might be there at another time.
"Zero is...
the ducks on a pond when
the air says winter is coming.
0 ducks"
In creating these simple verses Betsy Franco takes common daily events that children will recognize and want to discuss. The accompanying artwork has small details within the larger double page spreads that reflect the simplicity of the verses placed there.
There is much to talk about when sharing this book and children will offer stories and ideas that are sparked by the words and pictures. It will give them pause to look at their world for other examples of zero. What a fun book that would be for a classroom project!
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