"Ducks dig worms. Ducks bait hooks.
Ducks flop down with snacks and books -
To wait and wait and wait and wait -
Is that a tug on one duck's bait?"
I have not met this charming quintet of ducks in their previous adventures. You might want to check out Duck Skates (2005) and Duck Dunks * (2008). I know I plan on doing just that.
In this book they are back to pitch their tents...in their own backyard and enjoy the benefits of warm weather and brand new equipment. They've got the chairs, the hats, the mats and the poles to catch themselves some fish. They've got the bait, the pond, and the determination to haul in their catch. The big one gets away, night closes in and dead-tired ducks determine that home is where they should be. A campfire, marshmallows, and night noises soon have them satisfied and tucked in for the night. Soon, zippers open, voices squeak fearfully, those same night noises descend and fully encourage teaming up for the long summer night...all five ducks in one small tent, totally satisfied with the and prepared to 'snuggle up tight and drift to sleep.'
Lessons in color and counting are subtly executed in bright, expressive watercolors.
The story begs its young readers to get out there and explore the world around them, and maybe make an overnight camp of it. A humorous, gentle handling of familiar worries will allow for conversation about the fears we all face, young and old.
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