"This book is about difficult choices. A young woman confronted with the discovery that she's pregnant might feel overwhelmed, scared, even suicidal. Dear Diary, I'm Pregnant allows teenagers the opportunity to 'meet' other teenagers who have had to confront this situation and to see how they handled that experience."
Here are the stories of ten teens who have had to deal with the circumstances that come from unplanned pregnancy. Their voices are strong as they talk about their experiences and their options...abortion, adoption or keeping the baby. Guidance and support is offered as their stories are shared.
Many teens will find this book enlightening and helpful. It brings the many realities front and center for teens who face making a very difficult, and heartbreaking, decision. Because the text comes straight from those being interviewed it has an authenticity that is often missing when presenting the issue in a clinical way. The format for each interview is the same...a sidebar that details each girl's story, sketches of all things teen that make it more appealing to its intended audience and each girl's forthright and difficult story.
An afterword is included, written by a nurse who provides practical advice and answers to questions that many teen mothers have. There is help in examining the options available and some advice on dealing with stress.
There are no male voices heard here. It might be interesting to publish a book that would act as a companion, voicing their thoughts and concerns as teen parents.
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