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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Knuffle Bunny Too, written and illustrated by Mo Willems. Hyperion, HB Fennn. $21.99 ages 4 and up

"By now, Trixie really knew how to talk. And talk, and talk."

And talk she does...all the way to school, with Knuffle Bunny in tow all over again. Despite the passing of a few years, the enchantment has not changed a tiny bit. She is so excited to share her one-of-a-kind friend with her Pre-K classmates! As she scans the classroom, she is distressed to see that Sonja is toting an exact copy of Knuffle Bunny. It is immediate chaos. The day does not begin well...there is an argument about pronunciation and a teacher's quick and chilling reaction to it. The bunnies are removed from care and kept out of sight until school is later dismissed.

Trixie heads for home with Mom, happily reunited with her beloved companion. Their evening passes with the usual events, and soon Trixie and Knuffle Bunny are tucked in for the night. It is not until the middle of that night that she realizes there is something amiss. It is a problem that must be righted NOW! Turns out that Sonja has made the same discovery. Arrangements are made, and a meeting takes place. The bunnies are exchanged and all is well in the world once more.

Again, the digital photos add depth and dimension to the tale's telling. There is so much to see and to discuss as you pore over the pictures with your favorite listeners. The expressive characters are familiar and appreciated as the new dilemma unfolds and is effectively resolved, despite the timing.

I am sometimes apprehensive about sequels when the first book is so good, but Mo Willems does not disappoint. This second book about Knuffle and Trixie stands on its own, and will garner new fans without any doubt. Willems even adds an epilogue to give us a hint that there might be room for another in the future. I can't wait, and I will be sure to share news if I should hear anything.

If you want to keep up with this talented, humorous, prolific author take the time to check out his website and blog at You won't be sorry!

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