"She didn't make plans in the event that she did fall, because if you jump off of the roof of your house and land on your head, you really don't need any plans from that point on. Even Piper knew that.
So that's what she did. She jumped clean off of her roof."
As I began reading this book I wondered if it might be one that I didn't finish...but it grabbed me and hauled me along on a ride that I really enjoyed. I love Piper. She is a very special character who tends to bring out the best in almost everyone she meets and she has a secret...she can fly. So, Piper is homeschooled by older parents who want to protect her from prying eyes and those frightened of what they don't understand. When her small rural community discovers her secret ability, she becomes fodder for the paparazzi, the target of gossips and an oddity to the world.
Her parents are concerned for her welfare. So, when Agent A Agent shows up in an impressive convoy and deploys all inquisitve and intrusive visitors to the farm to unknown destinations, Joe and Betty McCloud are suitably impressed and easily duped into believing that Dr. Hellion and her so-called government minions want to do what is best for their beloved Piper. Only when Piper is transported to and arrives at the facility where she is to be schooled and protected does she discover that something fishy is afoot. There are other children there with amazing abilities. Subtle changes take place that make Piper amenable and complacent in this new world. It is not until she becomes aware of certain other strange happenings that she decides to work for a change in their circumstances.
The action is fast-paced, the characters are well-developed and the futuristic setting a stark and brutal change for Piper after her serene rural upbringing. It doesn't take long to discover Dr. Hellion's motive for 'helping' Piper. You are never sure what might happen next but it's fun and memorable. It was a most enjoyable read!
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