"He shrugged his shoulders,
And a grin
Just like a corn row,
And as thin,
Broke out along
His painted face.
He gave a leap -"
When the scarecrow decides to escape his post and dance in the fields one autumn evening he has no idea what is in store for him. The wind is blowing madly and tears at his clothing, inciting him to abandon his place amongst the corn and DANCE! As he frolics, he crosses the cornfield, passes the tractor and the barn and finally arrives in the warm glow of the family abode. Peeking in a bedroom window he spies a small boy at prayer, asking for blessings for the animals, the equipment needed to reap the rewards of the summer's hard work and for the scarecrow, who protects their valuable crop. It gives him pause and helps him realize his true place in the life of the farm and its family. Back he dances with new purpose in mind.
Jane Yolen is an award-winning and prolific author who never ceases to amaze with her words and her stories. Children need to hear the language and the rhythm of that language as this beautiful story is shared. I have been a fan for many years, and am in awe of the scope of her writing. This is a book that I will share again and again, not only as fall sneaks up on us but at anytime that I want to read a story filled with the wonder of her words.
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