“Jim watched the clock. “At last! Conditions are perfect to build my totally massive, indestructible Snow Fortress of Doom.”
If you grew up anywhere in Canada (even here in Lotus Land Victoria), you have at one time or another had an encounter with freshly fallen snow and the overwhelming desire to get out there and build a snowman or better yet, a snow fort! I recall many days on the school playground helping, or watching, the construction and cooperative work of any number of children and adults working to get one built before the sun shone down and caused it to melt into a puddle of wet mush. Then, crossing our fingers and hoping against hope it would still be there when the final bell rang at the end of the day.
This story sprang from a family tale about an amazing snow fort built by one of Barbara's daughters. It seemed a 'perfect' start for her newest book. Scott and Jim have been waiting for the first real snow of the season and each has his own idea for what to do with it. They are as different as day and night and so is their vision; but together they are a formidable duo who garner quite the remarkable result. As she tells her story with all the skill and detail we have come to expect, Barbara Reid adds another dimension for the first time. In black and white cartoon-like vignettes, she offers up much additional information about her characters. It is information she could not possibly include in the plasticene artwork needed to tell the tale. In a short video on YouTube she tells the listener that she always draws thumbnail sketches prior to creating her trademark art, so she does not stray far in this book from what is usual to her process. But, what a plus they are to this fun story! Be on the lookout for Scott and Jim as you pore over the illustrations and don't miss the glorious two page spread of all the children doing what kids love to do when 'perfect snow' falls. Looking for a Christmas gift...what could be better?
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