"Happy birthday to you,
Squashed tomatoes and stew,
Bread and butter in the gutter,
Happy birthday to you!"
While we are the roll with nursery rhymes, I want to share this new book from Colin McNaughton whose many books have entertained children uproariously. In this one, he uses an old nursery song, with many new verses, to help a young boy celebrate the excitement of his birthday.
As he opens the door to each new visitor, we are reminded of familiar characters and stories of old. First three cats, then the man in the moon, then three little pigs and their very interested and attentive wolf arrive. You get the picture. Each new guest has a gift in hand and a knockdown to provide as they brush past the boy on their way to somewhere! And each time he hauls himself back up again to answer the door and to be knocked down all over again. Eventually his living room looks like a cyclone hit it and the final guests arrive. They have class and manners, and they are welcomed. The knocking stops, a glass is tapped and the celebration and singing are at hand. What joy to party with so many friends and to be the object of their full attention. But, when they are gone...there is nothing to do but catch up on much needed rest. Ahhh!!! The final frame shows three disappointed guests...too late to appreciate all that fun, and disappointed they are.
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