"Who's on Captain Gluebeard's shoulder?
Gold is gold. That feather's golder.
Got a guess? It's time to share it.
It's Polly! She's the pirate's
Oh boy, what fun to try to guess the answers to these quatrains! And the fun never ends. No matter how hard we try to get the right answer, we are always upstaged by the silliness of the writer. It would appear there is a logical answer...even the art seems to help in the guessing game. But, not so! Each answer is impossible to predict and therein lies the fun! Our best guesses fly in the face of Adam Rex's artwork. He seems to be giving all the needed clues for an educated guess, and then he turns the tables on us, too. I just wish there were more! When I finished reading the seventh, I felt a bit of sadness that I could not read on and on. Kids will howl at the fun, and then beg to read it all over again! My best praise for this book is that it will be loved by many, and kept on my 'tens' bookshelf...a space reserved for only those books worthy of a '10'!
It's another of those mentor books that could be used with young writers to help them develop humor, rhyme and oddball fun.
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