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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Every Here Has A There: Moving Cargo By Container Ship, written by Margo Linn and illustrated by Brian Fitzgerald. Charlesbridge. Penguin Random House. 2024. $$21.99 ages 4 and up


"The captain must guide the ship, 
not only when the weather is good, 
but also when it is bad. 

The waves rock and roll the ship up
and down. The ocean highway can 
be bumpy! And containers can fall 
off into the sea if they haven't been 
properly tied down.

I think that the first time I ever read about what happens when a cargo ship loses its load to the ocean was in Eric Carle's Ten Little Rubber Ducks (2005). I think, more than anything, I just had not thought much about how goods were transported when they came from across the ocean. That's what I admire about stories. They connect us with the world. We have certainly become much more aware of cargo ships, lost and stolen goods, and supply chain problems that are affecting so many. 

The front endpaper provides a map for the journey of the cargo ship that readers will follow from Hong Kong, through the Panama Canal, to a dock in New York City. It is carrying a shipment of books, and readers will fully appreciate the work that goes into our ability to borrow a certain book from the library, or buy a copy for their own personal book shelf.

From packing the printed books into boxes, to those boxes being transported on a semi truck to the Hong Kong harbor, to loading the container onto the cargo ship for transport, interested readers can watch the many facets of its journey. They learn about the ship itself, its crew, the difficulties of the voyage, and the arrival at its destination. 

The bright colors and full attention given to the ship itself on every spread make it easy for young readers to follow along, and watch as every step of the journey is carefully constructed. The story itself is straightforward; the inclusion of pairs of opposite concepts on almost every page adds depth of understanding and opportunities for discussion as the story is read. 

Stories about container ships are in the news these days. This is a worthwhile addition to classrooms, school and public libraries, and home collections for those kids who have a special penchant for things-that-go! 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Is This a Tiger? Written and illustrated by Elina Ellis. Kids Can Press, 2024. $21.99 ages 5 and up

"Tigers are solitary hunters. They 
search for food alone at night. 

Tigers are stalk-and-ambush 
hunters. They hide in wait and then 
pounce on their prey unexpectedly. 

Tigers don't like to share! Each tiger 
can roam up to 100 km (62 mi.)
in search of their own food, 
water and shelter.

In this second book in the Alex's Field Guides series, Alex is determined to show her friend Atticus a real tiger. Atticus has never seen one. As she let readers know in her first book, Alex is very interested in learning about animals. She has, once again, written a journal to showcase all she knows about tigers, and she wants to share that learning with her friend. 

She is happy to offer clues about tigers to help Atticus. First, they are stripy. After encounters with a tabby cat, a numbat, a zebra, and a conspiracy of lemurs (all stripy), Alex shares the first pages of her journal with her friend. The new attribute is big teeth. Not a warthog, not a walrus, not a shark; perhaps, a hippo. Nope, tigers are nocturnal, as is evidenced in another spread from her field guide.  

DARK! Not bats, nor a skunk, or heaven forbid, an owl who might just carry Atticus away. Turns out tigers are rare and endangered. There are not many left in the wild, and some species have already disappeared (Caspian, Bali, Javan). They are very hard to find. Or are they? 

Lots of information is provided in an easily understood story that will entertain, leaving listeners giggling. Digital artwork holds great appeal. The picture gallery presented as the story closes allows for identification of each of the animals the two have encountered on their search. Finally, a list of resources is useful. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Elephant and the Sea, written and illustrated by Ed Vere. Doubleday Books for Young Readers, Penguin Random House. 2024. $24.99 ages 4 and up


"Gabriel made a plan. 

Day after day, 
          along the beach, 
                  he collected driftwood. 

Night after night, he worked. 
              He hammered, he sawed, 
                       he painted, and he sang.

Gabriel and the cat Milou like to spend their days beside the sea. Gabriel is getting older; he loves to think about the days when he was young and spent every morning by the sea. The thing he loved most then was the lifeboat. He watched as its crew prepared every day for the work they might be asked to do when sailors were in trouble.

He so badly wanted to be with them. The crew explained that he was not old enough to be of assistance. They suggested he come back when he was older and stronger. Gabriel promised that he would. As he waited, he did his homework. He read, he rowed, he sang their shanties. He did get older and stronger, and he was bigger. Now, he was too big for the boat. 

Poor Gabriel. What was he to do? It was time for a plan. Over summer and autumn, he put his plan in action. On a winter day when the fishing fleet set out to make a big catch, a storm whipped up causing a mess of trouble for the fishermen. The lifeboat headed out; they could not help. Was nothing to be done? 

"But wait! Here's Gabriel! 

He had built a boat. 
        Built for strength. Built for him! 

Brave Gabriel rowed out
        through thundering waves. 
                Strong as oak, he pulled the oars.

Gabriel's commitment to learning all he needed to know, and his mighty perseverance made him fully capable of rescuing those helpless fishermen. What bravery! What a leader! Everyone wanted to join with him now. Could they build a boat big enough for all?   

Wonderful images of the Cornwall coast provide a winning backdrop for this tribute to those who risk their own lives to be of assistance to others. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

How to Staycation Like a Snail, written by Naseem Hrab and illustrated by Kelly Collier. Owlkids, 2024. $21.95 ages 6 and up

Then they smell the smells, 
listen for the sounds, 
and take in the sights. 

Snail and Stump are having so much fun that 
things start to get really adventurous.

Those who met Snail in How To Party Like A Snail, are sure to be happy to meet up with him again. He remains an observer rather than a participant. He admits that he is an explorer who loves quiet adventures: he reads the odd map, hikes occasional slime trails, and finds wonder right where he lives. 

His first vacation with boisterous friends does nothing for him; he much prefers the company of his best friend, Stump. When asked to join them on their next exciting venture, Snail is adamant that home is where he chooses to stay. Of course, Stump has no choice. Perhaps they can have an adventure right where they are. 

"Stump, do you want to go on an
adventure right here? 

I hear that here is the new there!"

So, it is decided. While the other animals are off kicking up their heels on their trip, Snail and Stump enjoy their staycation every bit as much as the others. They get great enjoyment from the sounds, sights, smells that surround them; soon, they are having a splendid time together. 

Just when they begin to think they might have seen all there is to see, they are surprised by the arrival of small fleet of parachute seeds who are looking for someone to show them around. Snail and Stump are having so much fun with these new friends. When the seeds realize that the time for their adventure is coming to an end, they make the decision to stay put. How cool will that be? 

The cartoon art is full of expression, the dialogue will have listeners hooting with delight, and the chance to see their neighborhood through new eyes make it a great readaloud. Having a group of children read the separate parts for each of the characters will only add to the fun of reading it again. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

City of Leafcutter Ants: A Sustainable Society of Millions, written and illustrated by Amy Hevron. Neal Porter Books, Holiday House. Penguin Random House, 2024. $25.99 ages 6 and up


"They cut through leaves with chainsaw-like 
mandibles and sip on sweet leaf sap, but they 
do not eat the leaves. 

                                                       Instead ... 

... they carry their leaf cuttings along a busy 
highway, following their colony's trail ... 

... hauling enormous 
weights at incredible 
speeds back to the city.

I had no idea; I am not sure that I had ever heard anything about leafcutter ants. After reading Amy Hevron's book, I am fascinated by all I have learned about a community of 'eight million sisters working together' for the greater good of all. 

It happens in a Central American rainforest, and begins with a queen. After mating, she creates the city's first chamber by tunneling down and laying her eggs along with fungus from her mother's nest. This initial chamber is the key to survival for what is to follow. 

As new ants hatch through the years, they develop those traits that make them an integral part of the community being built. The newest ones stay in their city to take care of things like feeding. The oldest ones work to manage trash by helping it decompose faster. Tiny ants clean leaves that have been cut and brought from above, and act as pharmacists to use the antibodies they produce to ensure freedom from disease. 

That is not all! Those ants that are bigger build tunnels for cooling, and dig new pathways to deter any flooding. Should a predator appear, they can even produce a pheromone to signal danger to the others. The soldiers are called in, and do their part in forcing the predator out of the tunnel. The ants above ground continue with the work they do despite this interruption. They continue to cut the leaves and haul them back to the city to the 'farmers' that work to chew the leaves into a paste to feed their fungus garden! 

"Leafcutters belong to a group 
of ants that were our world's 
first farmers, growing 
industrial-scale food crops 
for over 60 million years.

Did you know? I did not. Thanks to this marvelous book, I know more about the survival of a rainforest ecosystem and some of the many helpers that keep it that way. What a society they create, again and again. 

The rainforest setting is bright with bold colors, and the cutaway images of the underground world will intrigue and delight young listeners. The ants' jobs are clearly shown in digitally collaged double-page spreads. The final two pages provide further material of interest for the book's audience, including a page that describes each of the essential workers. A selected bibliography, a list for additional reading, and a note from the author bring the book to an end. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lights along the River, written by Pat Lamondin Skene and illustrated by Sabrina Gendron. Orca Book Publishers, 2024. $21.95 ages 6 and up

"A man with a megaphone tells people to clear
the road. A police car, siren screaming, rolls into 
town. Behind it, a large green truck grinds to a 
halt in front of the crowd. Men in overalls climb 
the tall wooden poles. Everyone cheers.

The calendar on the kitchen wall says it's January 1952. The children are excited as they eat Mama's warm fried apples for breakfast. It's going to be an eventful day in their hometown; Britt, Ontario is finally going to have electricity. Men have been working for months, and now they are ready to light up the town. 

Their Metis family has lived happily without electricity. They get together on Sundays with relatives to listen to homegrown music and dance jigs. After supper they listen to a battery-operated radio in a living room lit by the glow of oil lamps, The children sleep in one bedroom where the only light at night comes from the moon. They play outside in all seasons. What changes might having electricityt bring? Will those changes make life better? 

Finally, it's time to go into town and watch as the electricity is hooked up for all. 

The author explains in a note at the end of the book that her story is based on her own experiences growing up on the Magnetavan River. Electricity brought immense change to everyone in their town: electric stoves, no oil lamps, running water, no outhouses, a record player, and a black-and-white televsion. She also mentions that stories now often came from watching the television rather than their own storytelling traditions. Digital artwork offers a realistic setting that is sure to spark conversations about life in rural areas in the 1950s. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Hawk Shadow, written by Jan Bourdeau Waboose and illustrated by Karlene Harvey. Kids Can Press, 2024, $21.99 ages

"I gaze at the wide turquoise sky and feel 
the warmth of Father Sun. 
The trees' shadows slowly shift with time. 
It feels quiet, serene like in serenity. I hear 
nothing but silence now. Not even the water 
song caresses my ears.

This story is the tale of a siblings and their Anishinaabe culture. Serenity is the narrator; Big Ed is her brother. Morning dawns, and the two are off through the bush to do some fishing. Serenity (whose name does not always match her boisterous personality) calls out to her brother to wait for her. He stops, pivots, and asks her to be much quieter. He wants silence as they travel his fishing path to the river. 

Big Ed has a new rod, while Serenity is using one her father has fashioned for her with a spruce branch and some moose sinew. She loves it just the same. When a raven calls out from up above, Serenity does the same, Big Ed is annoyed once more and wants her to go back home. She will not. The path to the river allows them to enjoy the wonders of their environment: chokecherries, a gray fox, and the beauty of nature. 

Hawk River is named for the Hawks who are the Keepers of the river and Protectors to their people. When Big Ed moves on at a pace, Serenity must hurry to keep up. Along the way, she stops for a cedar branch. 

"I hear Big Ed say, "Don't take too much. 
It's our medicine tree, and it's a good sign 
that I'll catch a big fish."

While fishing, a Hawk screams down at Serenity and then flies upriver. Big Ed is nowhere to be seen.  What is the Hawk trying to tell her? She follows it, and finds her brother is in trouble at the river's edge. Both are scared by the time Serenity discovers him. The Hawk shows Serenity how she might help, and it works! 

Using storytelling traditions that feature Ojibwe words and honors the Indigenous culture, Ms. Waboose has penned a tale sure to entertain and inform young readers. Karlene Harvey's digital artwork offers a close look at nature in the bush. It's a beautiful world for the two as they share a day of fishing.                                                                                      

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Sun Never Hurries, written by Roxane Turcotte and illustrated by Lucie Crovatto. Pajama Press, 2024. $22.95 ages 3 and up

"Charlie is amazed by all of the 
wildflowers along the way. 

When Charlie was in the car, 
she never noticed the flowers.

It's the first Sunday after Labor Day today; that means it's Grandparents Day! I hope it's been a celebratory one for all grandparents whose love and support for their grandchildren is endless. 

On a visit with Papa, Charlie asks her grandfather about the hourglass on his library shelf and what it does. Papa Jo is happy to let her know that it reminds him of how important it is for him to take time to get things done because every minute of the day is very special. 

Lunchtime isn't for going to a restaurant; it's a chance to work together in the kitchen to create vegetable soup. Both are very pleased with the results. Next, Papa offers a surprise. Charlie expects them to take the car. Papa has a better idea. They will have a walking adventure: wildflowers for a bouquet, a visit to an ice cream store, a rowboat ride to a nearby island and a chance there to watch dragonflies and frogs, and a search for small stones to treasure. There is even a swing that Papa made from fallen branches where they can watch the leaves float past them.  

On the way home, they chance to see a mama duck and her babies. When they arrive back at Papa's house, Charlie turns the hourglass upside down. Then, it's time to sit together and watch the sunset. What a day it has been! 

And what a calm and lovely bedtime story this would make at the end of that long and leisurely day! 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mother Aspen: A Story of How Forests Cooperate and Communicate, written by Annette LeBox and illustrated by Crystal Smith. Groundwood Books, 2024. $22.99 ages 6 and up


"In the sunlight, Aspen's leaves produce sugar. 
Trees use sugar to grow wood and bark and leaves.
Like human children, young trees love sweets! 

Beneath the earth, fungi wrap soft cottony threads
around Aspen's roots. Fungi can't produce sugar,
so Mother Tree feeds them too.

The scientific research done by Dr. Suzanne Simard has inspired many writers to look closely at forest communities. Prior to her strong and steady dedication to proving that trees of different species loan needed sugars, it was believed that trees, in fact, competed for the food and water they needed to survive. Dr. Simard proved that forest ecosystems are cooperative, rather than competitive. 

In this homage to the Wood Wide Web, Ms. LeBox focuses her story on the aspen grove. While discussing the 'mother tree', she explains that warm earth in the spring allows the birch tree to send 'sprouts from her roots' down into the earth. There, the tree provides food for fungi that carry messages to the fir and pine trees close by. The messages are warnings for the coming days. When the forest trees need water during the heat of the summer, the fungi release water to help. Thus, they sustain each other. Scientists today are looking to see if the same thing happens between other tree species. 

While explaining what is happening underground, the author also tells the story of the trees themselves and how they provide much of what is important to forest life. Seasons come and go, and the needs of the trees change. Within the forest, wild animals find support, mushrooms grow, and the aspen trees prosper through the year's cycle. After many years of sharing and caring for the forest community, Mother Aspen has lived a good life. It is her time to breathe her last. 

"As the Mother Tree takes her last breath, 
she passes on her wisdom to the next generation. 

Fungi spread the news through her vast underground threads. 
Our mother is dead.

The true beauty of the forest is clearly shown in artwork created using digital paint and layered textures. The aspen grove comes to life through the seasons. Each illustrated page helps readers understand the science the author provides. 

Back matter includes an author's note that further explains the cooperation that exists through the seasons to keep forests vibrant and viable. On another informative page, she speaks to the importance of aspen groves because of their biodiversity, and the destruction created when companies do their best to destroy them. A list of print and video resources is appended. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Loop De Loop: Circular Solutions for a Waste-Free World, written by Andrea Curtis and illustrated by Roozeboos. Groundwood Books, 2024. $21.99 ages

"Creating a loopier world begins with 
rethinking stuff. Do you have more than 
you need?

Too many t-shirts, shoes and lost socks?
Too many gadgets and gidgets and gizmos? 
Too much plastic, paper and Styrofoam cups?

Much of what we see in our world is circular. The sun, the rings on a tree, the seasons, the way Earth moves around the sun. Sit quietly and think about other examples that you can see and suggest. When it is pointed out, nature is cyclical as well. Plants grow and give back to where they live, and even after they die. Such looping leaves little waste. 

Humans today don't follow that pattern.

"We take, make, use, then, when those 
things break or we're finished with 
them, we toss them away.

With limited resources, thought needs to be given to change. So many things we have done, do, and use, pile up when we no longer want them. And that has created enormous difficulties all over the world. That is climate change and it is changing, and has changed, the way we live our lives on Earth. 

Luckily, they are many people who are sounding the alarm for better ways to live and care for our environment, using the 'loop de loop/' cycle found in nature. We can do it - if we work together to change our ways. Do we need all that we have? I know I do not! By looking at what nature is showing us, we can find ways to make a difference and to use what we no longer need to make a new and better place for all. 

"In a loop de loop world, we'll sew patches on jeans
and darn holes in sweaters. 
We'll fix a dent or a ding and clean up stains. 
We'll stitch and scrub and saw and save?

Are you up for learning how to do better? Are you willing to find ways to use less and enjoy more? This book helps readers see how to change our planet's future ... and in doing so, change ours! There is much we CAN do. This book shares an upbeat attitude and hope. 

Back matter offers ideas for change from around the world, a list of ways for home and school to help create a loop de loop world, a list of selected resources and a glossary of terms.                                                                             

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bunny Loves Beans, by Jane Whittingham. Pajama Press, 2024. $21.95 ages 2 and up


"Soft black, shiny black, 
Popped off the bush black - 
Black for a fox, 
And black for me!

She's done it again! Jane Whittingham has added book #7 to the Big, Little Concepts series, and it is another delight for little ones.

Its pages explore foods and their colors, and makes the reading easier for those wanting to be independent. From the gorgeous front and back endpapers through the entire length of the book itself, there is much to for young readers to see and enjoy. A groundhog munching a bright orange carrot encourages the child on the facing page to try one himself. 

As they move from spread to spread, readers will learn about variety in color and the animals who enjoy the bounty, and the children willing to try what is described for themselves. It is a tasty and vibrant display. The text invites vocabulary growth, while the consistent pattern creates confidence with what is to come next. 

"Healthy colors,
vibrant colors, 
Yummy in my 
tummy colors -
Colors for the animals, 
and colors for me!

The final page encourages parents and caregivers to up nutrition for their children by letting them help choose the foods, by talking about what they are seeing while shopping, and by working together to create food for the dinner table. 

Any (or all) of the books in this series would make a welcome and appreciated gift for any young child, and those who love them. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Puffin and Penguin, written by Helaine Becker and illustrated by Kevin Sylvester. Kids Can Press, 2024. $18.99 ages 5 and up

"B-b-but no one even knew what 
a puffin was! 

So you felt misunderstood? But 
that's not really Penguin's fault, 
is it? 

Maybe your classmates need 
some egg-ucation. A bit of 
puffin pedagogy. 


Moving from Iceland for his mother's new job has been a bit daunting for Puffin; New Stork City proves to be quite the new home and the prospect of attending a new school with others whose parents work with Mom is full of excitement. 

His avian classmates and teacher are happy to welcome Puffin to their classroom. A buddy system is used to help students find their way in a new school. Penguin will be Puffin's buddy. Neither seems delighted with the circumstance. Penguin is very kind to all classmates, and shows concern and committment to make things better for everyone. Penguin is also very busy, with a long to-do list and many interests. It's hard to be a buddy when so much of your time is already taken. Penguin reluctantly agrees. Puffin is delighted. 

That delight and excitement is tempered by Penguin's assertion that he has little extra time for being a best friend. Puffin's optimism for making new friends falls flat when the other students consider him a penguin, but funny-looking. His parents encourage him to take some time to get to know everyone better by letting them know about puffins. He can do that! 

His reporting doesn't have the desired effect. Hatching a new plan goes awry. Penguin steps up to help Puffin find something important to do. Puffin is in charge of the lighting. When things go wrong during the performance of King Midas and the Golden Pinkie, it is Puffin's quick thinking that leads to success. 

Readers new to graphic novels will find much to enjoy: likeable characters, humor, drama, and a developing friendship.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Wombat, written and illustrated by Philip Bunting. Charlesbridge, Penguin Random House. 2020. $21.99 ages 3 and up



Chit -


Here's a bit of fun for little ones! With digital cut-paper artwork, Philip Bunting fills the book's pages with a charming short and stocky brown animal who provides laughs for the littlest readers. The puns are evident and engaging, starting with 'wombat' and moving on to 'twobats' before adding 'threebats'. Kids will be particularly interested in the creatures' playful demeanor as shown often throughout the reading. 

The images are placed on backgrounds that shift from one color to another, and offer a great deal of fun for the reader. Clever rhymes, changing perspectives, and pages that introduce numbers, shapes, colors, even emotions and directions guarantee avid interest and requests to hear it again. Soon, those children ready for some independence in reading will be trying on their own to repeat what they see and have heard.   

The final three spreads share a story of love and family, when two wombats fall in like, then love, and finally create a new family. 



Monday, September 2, 2024

Wildlife Crossings: Protecting Animal Pathways Around the World, written by Catherine Barr and illustrated by Christiane Engel. Candlewick Press, Penguin Random House. 2024, $24.99 ages 8 and up


"There are lots of ways to welcome hedgehogs. 
Wilder yards and gardens offer places to hide, 
a shallow bowl of water provides a welcome 
drink, and HEDGEHOG CROSSING! signs 
on roads help alert drivers to keep hedgehogs

Away from the traffic, these popular, prickly 
creatures prefer unplowed field boundaries, 
pesticide-free farms, and shelter in thick, 
shady hedges.

There are 8.7 million species in search of 'food, water, mates and safe places to breed'. Of these, the wild ones need space to move freely. As humans have encroached on their natural habitats, they have been forced to find new and often dangerous routes to find what they need to survive. Today, it is important to find ways to build crossings that will help them live and prosper. 

Seven animals at risk (elephants, hedgehogs, birds, gibbons, fish, bears, and cougars) and their new pathways to safety are described here in two double spreads each. The first of the two spreads provides information about the animal itself and the difficulties faced in an ever- changing world. Their habitats are shown in detail-rich, captioned illustrations. Problems are evident. On the second spread, solutions are shown as they are being developed in various world communities; a simple counting game is included to invite participation and further attention. 

These animals are found in Europe, Asia, and North America. The safety corridors include animal highways, stopovers, bridges, fish ladders, and crossings. Each is shown as part of the solution to living with these animals who must move for survival. These actions are postive ways for humans to have a role in making certain they will be protected as they do so. 

In a final spread, Catherine Barr adds brief descriptions of seven other animals who are finding their way, with human help, along disrupted ancient pathways. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Let's Get Creative: Art for a Healthy Planet, written by Jessica Rose and illustrated by Jarett Sitter. Orca Book Publishers, 2024. $26.95 ages 10 and up

"Creative reuse is the process of turning 
unwanted items into things you can use. 
Thanks to your imaginations, old or  
discarded goods can become something 
completely different. Creative reuse 
reduces trash, diverting it from the waste
in fun and innovative ways! 

Creative reuse is also called upcycling
or repurposing. And it's something 
we can all do.

This is the latest book in the Orca Think series that encourages readers to 'question, connect and take action to become better citizens with a brighter future'. This call for creativity has five chapters beyond the introduction. They inform and encourage middle and high school readers to look at distinct ways for changing their world. 

The first chapter focuses on arts and crafts, and the fact that all art matters. The artists mentioned use viable materials while helping the environment by showing the work they do in outdoor spaces. They care about seeing that communities recognize the importance of protecting the world around them. Suggestions are made for the many kinds of art that enhances public places. 

As in other books from this series, the conversational text, the use of photos and helpful illustrations, and short visits to places in the world where special art projects are making a difference will encourage readers to think about their communities and the actions they might take to show creativity. 

"The good news is, there are sustainable art-making options,
and they're not only for professional artists. You can buy art 
supplies made from recycled materials or even make supplies 
that don't harm the environment.

Artists are introduced in each chapter with an explanation for why they do what they do in their artistic pursuits. The following chapters discuss turning trash into treasure and using found art; blending art, science and technology to come up with new ideas; using personal buying power to make choices about the businesses to support and defend; being an activist by using art and crafts to help bring attention to issues that matter for the environment. Readers will also find 'what you can do?' ideas for advancing the causes that are important to them, and 'let's look at art' to highlight projects that are being developed around the world. 

A glossary of terms used, lists of print and online resources, and an index are provided. 

Put the environment first, while creating art projects that make life better for all.